The Difference Between Personal Branding and Business Branding20240501001028
The Difference Between Personal Branding and Business Branding
Typically, when people hear the word “brand” a company or product logo comes to mind. Think Nike swoosh or McDonald’s golden arches. But let me ...
How to Write a Professional Bio That Elevates Your Brand20220630231722
How to Write a Professional Bio That Elevates Your Brand
adminJune 30, 2022bio for personal brand, personal brand statement, professional bio, professional bio tips0 comments
Writing your professional bio can be a daunting task, mainly because you’re writing about yourself. And writing about one’s self is arguably one o...
Words That Are Hurting Your Email Open Rates (And a Few That Can Boost Them)20220225001350
Words That Are Hurting Your Email Open Rates (And a Few That Can Boost Them)
adminFebruary 25, 2022email marketing 2022, email subject line stats, email subject lines, words that boost email open rates, words to avoid in subject lines0 comments
So, we know the subject line is arguably the most important part of any email you send. For marketing emails, the subject line can make or break you, ...
6 Content Marketing Tools to Make Things Easier20211217220437
6 Content Marketing Tools to Make Things Easier
It’s no secret: content creation takes time. The planning, the creating, the distributing…it all requires time you may not have. With that...
Why LinkedIn Is the #1 Platform for Building Your Brand20210901002030
Why LinkedIn Is the #1 Platform for Building Your Brand
adminSeptember 1, 2021Branding on LinkedIn, LinkedIn tips, organic reach on LinkedIn, Personal Branding on LinkedIn1 comment
Here’s what I know to be true: you are great at what you do. Seriously, you are. But not enough people know it. The issue is you have not spent ...
3 Sizzling Headline Tricks to Stop the Scroll20210730232934
3 Sizzling Headline Tricks to Stop the Scroll
adminJuly 30, 2021branding, copywriting tips, headline help, headline writing, storytelling0 comments
3 Sizzling Headline Tricks to Stop the Scroll Your headline writing mission, should you choose to accept it (and you should), is to stop the scroll! T...
5 Mistakes You’re Making on LinkedIn and How to Fix Them20210226174714
5 Mistakes You’re Making on LinkedIn and How to Fix Them
adminFebruary 26, 2021Branding on LinkedIn, how to use LinkedIn, LinkedIn help, LinkedIn mistakes, LinkedIn tips2 comments
5 Mistakes You’re Making On LinkedIn and How to Fix Them Let me paint the picture for you real quick….766 million people are on LinkedIn. Why?...
Personal Branding During a Pandemic (And Why You Should Do It)20201001063739
Personal Branding During a Pandemic (And Why You Should Do It)
adminOctober 1, 2020branding during COVID-19, personal branding, personal branding with LinkedIn0 comments
Personal branding, the process or the conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of a person, seems wrong during a pan...
How to Use Content to Enhance Your Brand20200430211833
How to Use Content to Enhance Your Brand
adminApril 30, 2020brand awareness tips, brand tone, branding with content, content marketing, Gary Vaynerchuk, keyword phrases in content, personal branding0 comments
Now that you’re spending more time indoors, it is the perfect opportunity to reinvent your content strategy and create content that aligns with your...
3 Things We Learned About Marketing from D-Nice’s Club Quarantine20200326221338
3 Things We Learned About Marketing from D-Nice’s Club Quarantine
adminMarch 26, 2020branding, Club Quarantine, D-nice, Instagram Live, marketing during COVID-19 crisis, marketing tips0 comments
By now, even if you’re not a fan of rap, hip hop, soul or R&B, you’ve heard about “Club Quarantine” DJ D-Nice’s super viral onli...