Why LinkedIn Is the #1 Platform for Building Your Brand

Here’s what I know to be true: you are great at what you do. Seriously, you are. But not enough people know it.

The issue is you have not spent time growing your personal brand. Luckily, it’s not like you’ve missed an important window. You can still build and grow your brand.

The best social media platform to do that on is LinkedIn. Hands down!

Here are 5 reasons why LinkedIn is the place you want to be to elevate your brand and increase business this year.

1) It’s Business Focused 

LinkedIn is the only social media platform that was developed for professional networking. That said, the active users are interested in professional conversations and business topics. They want to consume your content, especially if it relates to them. LinkedIn is an excellent platform to showcase your industry knowledge and expertise.

2) Business Does Not Mean Boring

While the platform is about business, it is NOT boring. Why? Because the users who get the most out of it are sharing their thoughts, ideas, and opinions authentically. (Hint: this is how you present your personal brand.) You could very well see a post that makes you emotional, one that sparks an idea or a friendly debate or one that pulls you into an offline discussion. The best conversations are the ones that turn into sales conversations. 🙂

3) It’s Easier Than Many Platforms

Ok, I might be biased here, but I find LinkedIn much easier to use than other platforms. It’s not as fast moving as Twitter and not heavily photo and video driven as Instagram. You don’t have to set up board likes Pinterest. And you don’t have to buy an ad to be seen like Facebook.

4) Organic Reach is Pretty Good

As just mentioned, you don’t have to buy ads to have your content reach your audience. You can position yourself as an expert or a thought leader and have your content be seen. It’s important to note that more people are joining in on the LinkedIn fun so organic reach has definitely dropped but opportunity still exists. But be advised it may not last for long.

5) The Content Marketing Playing Field is Wide Open

While there are 700 million+ users on LinkedIn, not many are sharing content and certainly not consistently. (LinkedIn did note that in Q3 2020 they saw a 50% increase in content being shared). That means you need to start building your brand with content now. Show up and show out! Share your tips, strategies, workarounds, ideas, unique perspectives, motivational comments, etc. And most importantly engage with other people’s posts.

These are just a few reasons why LinkedIn is great for building your personal brand. For more, join me for the virtual workshop, Leveraging LinkedIn Like a Boss bit.ly/JazzyLinkedIn 

Comment 1

  • Sumara MeersSeptember 13, 2021 at 4:53 am

    I so agree with you about LinkedIn being easier than some other platforms. For me, there are some “bigger” voiceover communities in other social media places, but LinkedIn has been much more consistent and yes, easy for me to find collaboration and network successfully.

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