About Us

Building Your Brand with Copywriting and Content Marketing

At Jazzy Pen Communications we help business owners and service-based entrepreneurs brand themselves, market their companies and attract new clients with ease. We believe in using content marketing as an incredible vehicle to do it.

You see, content marketing is not the latest buzz word; it’s one of the most effective ways to turn your prospects into customers.

Consider this: the average buyer engages with more than 10 pieces of content before they purchase.* So the question is, “What content are you providing?”  And let’s be clear: if you aren’t creating the valuable content for prospects, your competitors are!

Major brands like Kraft, Red Bull and American Express are using content marketing with great significant returns on investment. They “get it” and you can too.

Jazzy Pen Communications, led by Joan Burke Stanford, is here to help you “work your words” to attract clients. We’ll help you create amazing content to engage your audience and skyrocket your sales!

We know what you’re thinking. Who has time to write content?

After all, you’re a busy entrepreneur. You’re creating awesome products and services and running your business. You’re working deals. You’re engaging on social media, you’re making sure clients and employees are happy! You’re multitasking times 100!

There’s simply not enough hours in the day to create content.

Don’t worry. Jazzy Pen has your back!

Here’s what we do.

We use the power of words to get clients jazzed about doing business with you.

We provide expert copywriting services. Note: copywriting is marketing writing with the intent to sell. Not to be confused with copyrighting (legally protecting your intellectual property.)

We’ve got you covered with content creation, professional editing, social media marketing, and more. Not sure exactly how to market your business to get the best return? Get one-on-one marketing help.

Sound like a plan? Let’s get started.