Words That Are Hurting Your Email Open Rates (And a Few That Can Boost Them)20220225001350

Words That Are Hurting Your Email Open Rates (And a Few That Can Boost Them)

So, we know the subject line is arguably the most important part of any email you send. For marketing emails, the subject line can make or break you, ...

Webinar: Get More Opens with Great Subject Lines

In the busy inbox, you have just a few milliseconds to convince someone to open your email.

Beyond the relationship you’ve been building with your contacts, your subject line must capture their attention and entice them to open and read your email.

In this free one-hour presentation by Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications, we’ll provide tips and plenty of examples to get you writing subject lines that work. You’ll learn:

– The basics of a good subject line

– Trends for writing great subject lines

– Tips for getting creative with your subject lines