A Simple Recipe for Social Media Success

As a small business, social media is overwhelming and often feels like you’re just spinning your wheels. You have to figure out where to be, how to be engaging, and how to get results—all with a limited amount of time and resources.

That’s why in this session we’ll provide a recipe for social media that saves time and gets results to grow your business. You’ll learn:

  • How to choose the right social networks for your business
  • The 15-minute social media plan
  • Getting started in the pay-to-play world of social media

Webinar: Marketing the “Write” Way to Generate Leads

Content is currency online and it’s time for you to start cashing in. With this webinar you’ll discover strategies for creating client-attracting content on your website, in email campaigns, on social media and more. If you’re posting online and hearing crickets, it might be the words you’re using or an issue with your content. In this webinar you’re going to get proven strategies for writing copy that draws your audience in and encourages action!

Join Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications and learn to write content that gets results!

By the end of the session, you’ll know:

  • The #1 question readers are asking that you must answer
  • The 14 most persuasive words in the English language and how to use them
  • Tips and tricks for writing powerful headlines
  • How to get your emails opened and read
  • Ways to write an effective call to action