How to Write a Brand Building Bio

Do you have an impressive professional bio that elevates your personal brand? If not, this live virtual workshop is for you!

Your bio is the most important document for building your brand. It presents your strengths, your value and your story in a powerful, concise way. An impressive professional biography can lead to more inquiries, leads, opportunities and sales!

During this presentation you will learn key strategies for highlighting your expertise and achievements, sharing your story, and writing to impress. How many bios should you have? What does a well-written bio look like? Joan B. Stanford, former journalist and CEO of Jazzy Pen Communications, is sharing the answers to those questions and whole lot more.

Register now so you can:

• Discover the purpose and power of a strong bio

• Get hacks for crafting a bio that promotes your brand

• Analyze sample bios of business owners

• Get tips for social media bios

• Learn the rookie bio mistakes NOT to make

Marketing the “Write” Way in 2022

It’s a new year and you’ve got big marketing goals. In 2022, marketing is about writing to engage readers, enlightening prospects and providing valuable content. At the same time, you must stand out among the masses. Learn proven methods to keep your audience interested whether you’re writing blog posts, web copy, email newsletters, online profiles and more.

By the end of this FREE session you’ll know:

  • How to market write on your website, in email and on social media
  • Tips and tricks for writing powerful headlines
  • Several power words to trigger a response
  • The #1 question readers are asking that you MUST answer
  • Ways to write effective calls to action

Leverage LinkedIn Like a Boss

Isn’t it time you get a firm understanding of LinkedIn and use it to grow your personal brand and/or business? In this masterclass, designed for beginners, we’re taking it slow and learning the landscape (the interface you see you when you log in) and making quick changes to start maximizing the platform.

Attend this free class and:

⭐Discover how to make connections and what to do once you’re connected.

⭐Get introduced to best practices that are working on the platform

⭐Learn insider tips about the content you should create.

⭐Take note of what NOT to do on LinkedIn and so much more.

This workshop will be online via Zoom and no cost to attend. The link will be provided upon enrollment.

Get More Opens with Great Subject Lines

In the busy inbox, you have just a few milliseconds to convince someone to open your email.

Beyond the relationship you’ve been building with your contacts, your subject line must capture their attention and entice them to open and read your email.

In this free one-hour presentation, we’ll provide tips and plenty of examples to get you writing subject lines that work. You’ll learn:

– The basics of a good subject line

– Trends for writing great subject lines

– Tips for getting creative with your subject lines

How to Create a Winning Lead Magnet for Your Website

It’s time to create lead “magic” on your website. One of the best ways to build your email list and foster a relationship with prospects is with a lead magnet, the awesome incentive you give your website visitors in exchange for their email address. The keyword here is AWESOME.

During this webinar you’ll learn to create an awesome lead magnet that entices your audience and delivers immense value. It also positions your company as a go-to resource. Then, you can turn browsers to buyers!

Join Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications and discover how to create that irresistible lead magnet so you can generate leads and stop leaving money on the table.

By the end of the session, you’ll know:

• The best types of lead magnets that visitors opt in for

• How to promote your lead magnet, beyond your site

• What constitutes a valuable lead magnet

• Best practices to ensure your magnet is indeed magnetic and highly effective

Don’t wait. Sign up now!


Webinar: Making Sense of Online Marketing

The idea of getting your business online can often feel scary and even confusing. With so many moving parts, figuring out what to do and how to do it presents a unique challenge for time-starved small business owners. Don’t worry, once you understand how it all works together you can stop wasting time and focus on the things that actually benefit your business.

If you’re just getting started with online marketing or not seeing the results you’ve hoped for…this session is for you. You’ll learn the foundational elements that will help you get the word out about your business and you won’t need a marketing degree to do it!

In this session you’ll learn:

  • How people find you online
  • How to set yourself up for success
  • How to encourage new and repeat business

Webinar: Power of the Inbox

The Power of the Inbox

Tips and Tricks for Successful Email Marketing

What is the first impression you give when they see you in their email inbox? And when they see you there, what do they do? This powerful webinar presented  by Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications  takes you step-by-step through the keys to effective email marketing:

  • What it really is (and isn’t)
  • What it can do for your business
  • And the five easy steps you must take to harness the power of the inbox!
    • Grow a healthy list
    • Create great content
    • Customize a beautiful, mobile-friendly template that matches your brand
    • How to get your emails opened
    • Tracking your results

From revealing why regular email doesn’t work, to insider tips and techniques like automated list building tools and the design elements that work (and those that don’t!), this webinar will give you the keys to the most effective marketing you can do: email marketing. Join us!

Webinar: Marketing the “Write” Way to Generate Leads

Content is currency online and it’s time for you to start cashing in. With this webinar you’ll discover strategies for creating client-attracting content on your website, in email campaigns, on social media and more. If you’re posting online and hearing crickets, it might be the words you’re using or an issue with your content. In this webinar you’re going to get proven strategies for writing copy that draws your audience in and encourages action!

Join Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications and learn to write content that gets results!

By the end of the session, you’ll know:

  • The #1 question readers are asking that you must answer
  • The 14 most persuasive words in the English language and how to use them
  • Tips and tricks for writing powerful headlines
  • How to get your emails opened and read
  • Ways to write an effective call to action

Jazzy Jumpstart Webinar: Power Up Your Personal Brand

Now, more than ever, branding is important for growing your business. This is especially true online. Your personal brand, who you are, sets you apart from the rest. Did you know that 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support?

It’s time to build your authentic brand. If done properly, branding can lead to speaking opportunities, publicity and media exposure, strategic partnerships, and more customers. So what impression is your brand making? If you’re not sure or don’t know where to start, this webinar is for you.

Join Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications and explore ways to uncover and present your personal brand so it attracts clients and boosts business!

By the end of the session, you’ll know:

• Critical factors to consider when building your brand

• The #1 thing that attracts people to a personal brand

• Simple strategies to effectively communicate your personal brand

• Marketing tips for increasing your brand awareness

Webinar: Create Your Website…3 Pages You Need to Publish

Publishing your website can feel like a daunting task. Even with a template that takes care of the look and feel of your website, you still need to create the content for your pages. It’s easy once you know where to focus. You can publish your website quickly with just the essential pages you need to get yourself online.

Join us for this great presentation where we’ll show you the best practices on:

  • 4 questions your homepage must answer before you hit publish
  • The real purpose of your about page and how to create one your visitors want to read
  • How to make it easy for visitors to find and contact you
  • Tips for using images on pages