Webinar: Ways to Grow Your Moneymaker (Your Email List)

Email marketing is only as effective as your least engaged subscriber. That’s why having an interested and qualified list of contacts that you can stay top of mind with, is vital to your business. Continuing to grow that list is just as important. In this webinar presented by Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications, we will discuss various strategies to capture new contacts and to build relationships with your subscribers so you can see the real business results that you deserve. We’ll cover how to:

  • Use social media to grow your list
  • Grow your list on your website or blog
  • Use incentives and giveaways to grow your list
  • And more!

Webinar: Get More Opens with Great Subject Lines

In the busy inbox, you have just a few milliseconds to convince someone to open your email.

Beyond the relationship you’ve been building with your contacts, your subject line must capture their attention and entice them to open and read your email.

In this free one-hour presentation by Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications, we’ll provide tips and plenty of examples to get you writing subject lines that work. You’ll learn:

– The basics of a good subject line

– Trends for writing great subject lines

– Tips for getting creative with your subject lines