Webinar: Ways to Grow Your Moneymaker (Your Email List)

Email marketing is only as effective as your least engaged subscriber. That’s why having an interested and qualified list of contacts that you can stay top of mind with, is vital to your business. Continuing to grow that list is just as important. In this webinar presented by Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications, we will discuss various strategies to capture new contacts and to build relationships with your subscribers so you can see the real business results that you deserve. We’ll cover how to:

  • Use social media to grow your list
  • Grow your list on your website or blog
  • Use incentives and giveaways to grow your list
  • And more!

Webinar: How to Write Effective Marketing Emails for Any Situation

Whether you are writing a welcome email, event invitation, promotion, or an automated series, it can feel daunting to sit down and write your next email.

You have a limited amount of time where you need to figure out what to write and how to write it so it drives results for your business. After all, your emails need to build relationships, inspire people, and encourage them to take action.

That’s why in this session Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications will share email writing tips that will save time and make your emails more effective. You’ll learn:

  • The different types of emails
  • A simple formula to write any email
  • More tips for writing successful emails

Power of the Inbox

What is the first impression you give when they see you in their email inbox? And when they see you there, what do they do? This powerful seminar takes you step-by-step through the keys to effective email marketing:

  • What it really is (and isn’t)
  • What it can do for your business
  • And the five easy steps you must take to harness the power of the inbox!
    • Grow a healthy list
    • Create great content
    • Customize a beautiful, mobile-friendly template that matches your brand
    • How to get your emails opened
    • Tracking your results

From revealing why regular email doesn’t work, to insider tips and techniques like automated list building tools and the design elements that work (and those that don’t!), this seminar will give you the keys to the most effective marketing you can do: email marketing. Join us!