Jazzy Jumpstart Webinar: Power Up Your Personal Brand

Now, more than ever, branding is important for growing your business. This is especially true online. Your personal brand, who you are, sets you apart from the rest. Did you know that 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support?

It’s time to build your authentic brand. If done properly, branding can lead to speaking opportunities, publicity and media exposure, strategic partnerships, and more customers. So what impression is your brand making? If you’re not sure or don’t know where to start, this webinar is for you.

Join Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications and explore ways to uncover and present your personal brand so it attracts clients and boosts business!

By the end of the session, you’ll know:

• Critical factors to consider when building your brand

• The #1 thing that attracts people to a personal brand

• Simple strategies to effectively communicate your personal brand

• Marketing tips for increasing your brand awareness

Webinar: You Are the Brand

Now, more than ever, branding is important for growing your business. This is especially true online. It sets you apart from the rest. What you present to world online speaks volumes. In fact, 94% of consumers say they’re likely to be loyal to a brand that offers transparency.

If done properly, branding can lead to speaking opportunities, publicity and media exposure, strategic partnerships, and more customers. So what impression is your brand making? If you’re not sure or don’t know where to start, this workshop is for you.

Attend and discover the value of branding and personal branding. You’ll walk away with:

  • List of factors to consider when building your brand
  • Simple strategies for personal branding
  • Marketing tips for increasing your brand awareness.

Webinar: You Are the Brand

Now, more than ever, branding is important for growing your business. This is especially true online. It sets you apart from the rest. What you present to world online speaks volumes. In fact, 94% of consumers say they’re likely to be loyal to a brand that offers transparency.

If done properly, branding can lead to speaking opportunities, publicity and media exposure, strategic partnerships, and more customers. So what impression is your brand making? If you’re not sure or don’t know where to start, this workshop is for you.

Attend and discover the value of branding and personal branding. You’ll walk away with:

·         List of factors to consider when building your brand

·         Simple strategies for personal branding

·         Marketing tips for increasing your brand awareness.

Webinar: You Are the Brand

Now, more than ever, branding is important for growing your business. This is especially true online. It sets you apart from the rest. What you present to world online speaks volumes. In fact, 94% of consumers say they’re likely to be loyal to a brand that offers transparency.

If done properly, branding can lead to speaking opportunities, publicity and media exposure, strategic partnerships, and more customers. So what impression is your brand making? If you’re not sure or don’t know where to start, this workshop is for you.

Attend and discover the value of branding and personal branding. You’ll walk away with:

  • List of factors to consider when building your brand
  • Simple strategies for personal branding
  • Marketing tips for increasing your brand awareness