Professional Bio Writing Service


Have you ever been asked for your professional bio and you suddenly were at a loss for words?

Be honest.

You clammed up or hesitated because your bio needs help. You haven’t touched it in years.

Or worse, you don’t have one. All you can offer is your outdated resume. Cue the sad music.

professional bio creatorDon’t get caught with this professional bio embarrassment! Get your bio written NOW so you’re ready when opportunity comes knocking. Every business person or entrepreneur should have a bio in their marketing arsenal. An impressive professional biography can lead to more clients, more inquiries and more sales.

You’ve put off working on your professional bio long enough. Invest in expert help. Let’s get it done.

Whether you need an optimized LinkedIn profile, an author bio, a blog byline, an About Us page, a speaker one-sheet or a professional business bio, Jazzy Pen has you covered.

Professional Bio Writing Service: 

The Jazzy Bio Package is perfect for business professionals and entrepreneurs who:

  • Have difficulty writing about themselves
  • Want to stand out and showcase their expertise
  • Need to boost their credibility

It Includes:

  • A “jazzy” questionnaire –the start of getting to know you
  • A 30 minute interview—to really get to who are and what makes you different
  • Keyword and phrase research
  • One Professional, Personalized Bio approx. 300-400 words; Perfect for about pages
  • One Standard Short Bio approx. 150 words; Suitable for most bio requests. This concise version of your bio packs a punch!
  • One LinkedIn Profile Summary Makeover. With the right words your profile can stand out on the world’s largest professional online network.

Types of Bios We Create:


Executive Bios

A custom, keyword-optimized bio exemplifies your extensive professional experience and accomplishments. 


Speaker Bios

Your speaker bio serves as an introduction to you as a speaker. It’s written to entice event organizers to hire you to speak at their next event.


Board Bios

A compelling board bio presents an overview of your career highlights AND showcases the skills you will bring to a board of directors.


LinkedIn Bios

Your LinkedIn profile is your professional online billboard and your About section should be compelling.


Staff/Team Bios

Showcase your team on your website with short and powerful bios that amplify their excellence and the company brand.


Author Bios

As an author your bio should present your credentials AND give readers insights about you, the person behind the literary work.