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January 2018

Workshop: Power of the Inbox

January 30, 2018 @ 5:30 pm

Did you know that 91% of people check their email every day? Are you staying top of mind with your clients and prospects using email marketing? If not, this workshop is for you. What is the first impression you give when they see you in their email inbox? And when they see you there, what do they do? This powerful seminar takes you step-by-step through the keys to effective email marketing: What it really is (and isn’t) What it can…

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March 2018

Workshop: Grow Your Business in 2018 with Email and Social Media

March 19, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

If you’ve re ready to grow your business significantly this year, you must attend the workshop. It’s time to learn how to make the most of the combination of email and social media for your business. In this session,  led by Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications, you’ll gain a firm understanding of marketing basics, like setting goals and measurable objectives. You’ll be given some simple but powerful tips for how to get your messages opened and read, shared and socially visible.  And…

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April 2018

Marketing Event: Ask-Receive-Achieve

April 25, 2018 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Presented by the American Marketing Association, Inland Empire Chapter, this incredible event is made for non-profits and small businesses to receive expert advice on advertising, PR, social media, and many other marketing topics. Each table will be hosted by one or more industry veterans offering their experience and insight into the areas most critical to you. Jazzy Pen Communications CEO, Joan Stanford, will be one of the experts on hand. Register to attend. Be part of the excitement! It takes…

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May 2018

Workshop: Grow Your Business with Email and Social Media

May 16, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

If you’re on a mission to grow your business significantly this year, you must attend the workshop. It’s time to learn how to make the most of the combination of email and social media for your business. In this session, you’ll gain a firm understanding of marketing basics, like setting goals and measurable objectives. You’ll be given some simple but powerful tips for how to get your messages opened and read, shared and socially visible.  And you’ll see that there are some great…

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June 2018

Drive New Business with Social Media

June 18, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

You know you should be on social media for your business or non-profit. You know it can help you drive more new and repeat business for your organization. But, do you know why? Do you know which social media platform will have the biggest bang for your buck? And when you start your profile, do you know what to say and how to grow your following? This session will answer all of those questions and more! Let us help you:…

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February 2019

Workshop: Drive New Business with Social Media

February 21, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Inland Empire Women’s Business Center – Colton, 1003 E. Cooley Dr. Suite 109
Colton, CA 92324 United States
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From understanding the different social media platforms, to choosing what to say and where to say it, this workshop will give you the keys to the most effective social media marketing for you. Let instructor Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen make social media easy so you can capture likes, shares, and customers!

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April 2019

How to Write Your Professional Bio…Go from Blah to Brilliant

April 18, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Inland Empire Women’s Business Center – Colton, 1003 E. Cooley Dr. Suite 109
Colton, CA 92324 United States
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It’s time to take your bio from blah to brilliant! You’re a highly qualified expert in your field, the best at what you do, and everyone should know it by reading your bio. An impressive professional biography can lead to more clients, more inquiries and more sales. Don't leave your bio to chance. Get strategies to help your bio stand out!

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June 2019

Drive New Business with Social Media (Workshop)

June 20, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Inland Empire Women’s Business Center – Colton, 1003 E. Cooley Dr. Suite 109
Colton, CA 92324 United States
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From understanding the different social media platforms to choosing what to say and where to say it, this workshop will give you the keys to the most effective social media marketing for you. Let instructor Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen make social media easy so you can capture likes, shares, and customers!

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August 2019

Workshop: How to Write Your Professional Biography

August 22, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Inland Empire Women’s Business Center – Colton, 1003 E. Cooley Dr. Suite 109
Colton, CA 92324 United States
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You’re a highly qualified expert in your field, the best at what you do, and everyone should know it by reading your bio. An impressive professional biography can lead to more clients, more inquiries and more sales! If you don’t have a bio or your current bio is in need of a makeover, this workshop is for you.

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February 2020

Branding Your Business

February 20, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

“A Brand is not a product or a promise or a feeling. It's the sum of all the experiences you have with a company.“ – Amir Kassaei Join Joan Stanford of Jazzy Pen Communications for this info-packed seminar on Branding Your Business... Create a “voice” for your company that reflects your brand. Develop a tagline. Design templates and create brand standards for your marketing materials. Attend this seminar and learn: How to create your personal brand What sets you apart…

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